Asia Bird’s Nest is exploited and produced in a closed process, ensuring 100% purity
Has been granted a food hygiene and safety certificate, committed to health safety
Customers have the right to return if the product is not of the right quality
Fast delivery nationwide in Vietnam and internationally, payment right at the place of delivery
Asia Bird’s Nest Brand Bird’s Nest always orients to develop and enhance the value of bird’s nest products for Asian and international markets.
● Serving you is the brand’s honor
● Please allow the brand to share with you the quintessential values of Asian bird’s nests
● Áp dụng: 18 khách hàng đầu tiên
● Đã bán: 7813 sản phẩm
● Tồn kho chỉ còn: 1 sản phẩm
● Áp dụng: 14 khách hàng đầu tiên
● Đã bán: 5190 sản phẩm
● Tồn kho chỉ còn: 1 sản phẩm
● Áp dụng: 11 khách hàng đầu tiên
● Đã bán: 9698 sản phẩm
● Tồn kho chỉ còn: 3 sản phẩm
● Áp dụng: 12 khách hàng đầu tiên
● Đã bán: 5558 sản phẩm
● Tồn kho chỉ còn: 1 sản phẩm
Phó giáo sư - Tiến sĩ - Bác sĩ Trần Đình Toán
Asia Bird's Nest is a product that is known to domestic consumers, both in the south and in the north, because this business has more than 10 years of experience in producing and processing bird's nests. Therefore, you can use this Asia Bird's Nest product with peace of mind and trust!
Phó giáo sư - Tiến sĩ - Bác sĩ Trần Đình Toán Nguyên Viện trưởng Viện Dinh Dưỡng Lâm Sàng
Thời gian gần đây một số nghiên cứu đã ghi nhận tổ yến có tính chất tương tự Hormone ( Hormone – Like substances ), là nhân tố phát triển ( Growth Factor ) cho sự phân bào và các mô. Những chất này sẽ kích thích sự phân chia và phát triển tế bào, thúc đẩy sự phát triển mô và tái sinh mô mới. Do đó tổ yến có cơ sở khoa học khi điều trị bệnh, hồi phục và làm trẻ hóa làn da.
Tiến Sỹ Ngô Đăng Nghĩa Viện Công Nghệ Sinh Học & Môi Trường, Trường Đại Học Nha Trang
Yến sào Asia Bird’s Nest là thực phẩm dành cho mọi nhà bởi lẽ thành phần món yến chứa rất nhiều chất dinh dưỡng quý có lợi cho sức khỏe, giúp tăng cường thể chất, phòng ngừa bệnh tật.
Phó giáo sư - Tiến sĩ Nguyễn Thị Lâm Phó Viện Trưởng Viện Dinh Dưỡng Quốc Gia
Yến sào Asia Bird’s Nest có tỷ lệ rất cao của các axit amin cần thiết như Arginin, Trytophan, Histidin, Cystin, Tyrosin. Ngoài ra, sản phẩm này còn có chứa Glucid, Tro (gồm phốt pho, sắt, mangan, kẽm). Ngoài ra còn có Axit Sialique có tác dụng kích thích sự tăng sinh tế bào.
Phó giáo sư - Tiến sĩ Trần Đáng Chủ tịch Hiệp Hội Thực Phẩm Chức Năng Việt Nam
" Asia Bird's Nest is good for pregnant mothers after giving birth, breastfeeding, bird's nest helps me have more milk, breast milk has many nutrients "
I just gave birth 2 months ago, Asia Bird's Nest is good for pregnant mothers after giving birth, breastfeeding, bird's nest helps me have more milk, breast milk has many nutrients, high quality, pure bird's nest, I rate it. High quality!
Mia Hebson Dancer
" Bird's nest is good for children, Asia Bird's Nest is high quality, premium, pure, Internationally famous. I am assured with the quality of Asia Bird's Nest "
My children love to eat Asia Bird's Nest, they eat well, sleep well, grow quickly, improve their health, bird's nest is good for children, Asia Bird's Nest is high quality, premium, pure, Internationally famous. I am assured with the quality of Asia Bird's Nest
Joe Ostle Electronic technician
" Asia Bird's Nest bird's nest has many effects and is good for health. The bird's nest can be processed into many dishes such as bird's nest stewed with rock sugar "
Asia Bird's Nest bird's nest has many effects and is good for health. The bird's nest can be processed into many dishes such as bird's nest stewed with rock sugar, bird's nest stewed with red apple, cordyceps, lotus seeds, and chia seeds. My grandchildren love to eat it, it is delicious, suitable for taste, Asia Bird's Nest is high quality, number 1 international quality.
Brian Groves Mechanic
" Born in 1938, Asia Bird’s Nest has taken the leading position internationally, with more than 116 branches around the world "
Born in 1938, Asia Bird’s Nest has taken the leading position internationally, with more than 116 branches around the world, providing all kinds of bird's nests: white bird's nest, red bird's nest, orange bird's nest, blood bird's nest. bird's nest, red bird's nest, raw bird's nest, refined bird's nest, semi-processed bird's nest, pre-cooked bird's nest Asia Bird's Nest, premium quality!
Gary Winter Office staff
" Asia Bird's Nest bird's nest is number 1 internationally today, pure, high-quality bird's nest, my family has trusted bird's nest for more than 7 years "
With more than 116 bird's nest branches around the world, Asia Bird's Nest bird's nest is number 1 internationally today, pure, high-quality bird's nest, my family has trusted bird's nest for more than 7 years, delicious, nutritious food, good for health
Zoe Daymond Postman
" Eating Asia Bird's Nest every week, my skin feels more beautiful, aging slows down, my food tastes better, the bird's nest is really good for middle-aged women like me "
I am a woman over 40 years old, eating Asia Bird's Nest every week, my skin feels more beautiful, aging slows down, my food tastes better, the bird's nest is really good for middle-aged women like me, I am satisfied. satisfied with the premium quality of Asia Bird's Nest bird's nests
Layla Nichol Secretary
" Because eating bird's nest, he eats well, sleeps well, grows fast, healthy, bird's nest is very good for children "
Our son loves eating Asia Bird's Nest, because eating bird's nest, he eats well, sleeps well, grows fast, healthy, bird's nest is very good for children, I am satisfied with the premium quality of the bird's nest. Asia Bird's Nest
Chantelle Potts Teller
" Bird's nest for pregnant women Asia Bird's Nest is really good for pregnant mothers. I ate bird's nest and found that the pregnant mother's health was much better, the fetus developed well "
Bird's nest for pregnant women Asia Bird's Nest is really good for pregnant mothers. I ate bird's nest and found that the pregnant mother's health was much better, she no longer had morning sickness, and fatigue during pregnancy, the fetus developed well, providing good health. Provides adequate nutrients for pregnant mothers and fetuses.
Shelley Rome Cashier
" My husband and I are older, Asia Bird's Nest helps us become healthier, more alert, have clearer eyes, eat and sleep well "
My husband and I are older, Asia Bird's Nest helps us become healthier, more alert, have clearer eyes, eat and sleep well, the bird's nest is so good for the elderly, elderly people like us. Distilled bird's nest is fragrant, delicious, high-quality bird's nest, the highest quality in the world today
Mary Forster Retired doctor
" Asia Bird's Nest bird's nest is too good for the patient's health! "
My mother is suffering from lung disease and is being treated at the hospital. Asia Bird's Nest has helped my mother improve her health, eat well, sleep well, her condition has improved significantly, and the doctor who followed her was also surprised . Asia Bird's Nest bird's nest is too good for the patient's health!
James Bennett Real estate business
● Asia Bird’s Nest brand commits that all bird’s nest products are 100% pure quality with strict product quality control processes meeting international standards.
● Commitment that bird’s nest products absolutely do not contain additives or preservatives.
● Asia Bird’s Nest bird’s nest products have been fully certified with clear and transparent origin.
● With the criteria of putting product quality requirements first, the origin verification process of Asia Bird’s Nest products is always strictly checked with international standards.
● Asia Bird’s Nest bird’s nest products have been certified for food hygiene and safety with a closed production process that is always strictly controlled from inspection and evaluation of product quality to hygienic preservation. tools, machinery, workers and employees at the factory before entering the work line.
● The product does not use fillers to increase the weight of the bird’s nest, and does not use bleaching chemicals that affect consumers’ health.
The exploitation and production process of Asia Bird’s Nest applies modern technology, with a closed process, meeting international standards.
Asia Bird’s Nest brand is committed to providing customers with quality bird’s nest products at the most reasonable prices.
Asia Bird’s Nest Bird’s Nest Brand always focuses on investing in product packaging design. That not only shows the care the business takes with the product but also helps consumers feel more secure when using it or giving it as a gift.
● The brand’s team of highly qualified and experienced nutrition experts is always ready to support customers in the process of learning about bird’s nest products.
● Anytime you need support, customers can connect online to have nutritionists answer their questions. Don’t hesitate, connect with the brand now!
● With the criteria: “You may not buy the product, but please allow the brand’s nutritionist to consult so you can best understand the product”, the brand system wishes to be given to customers with the most thoughtful and optimal consulting and customer support service.
● The brand is honored to be advised by Vietnam’s leading nutrition experts today.
● These are the premises for brands to constantly improve product quality, as well as service quality.
● Hopefully, customers will have the best experiences when using the brand’s services.
● With the criterion: “Serving you is the brand’s honor”, Asia Bird’s Nest Brand always wants to give customers the best quality products along with care services. The most dedicated and thoughtful customers.
● The brand’s team of customer care specialists and nutrition experts are always ready to advise so that customers can best understand the effects of bird’s nest as well as how to prepare, use and preserve it.
● Please allow the brand to share with you the quintessential values of Asian bird’s nests!
● Committed to compensating 500% of the order value if customers discover that Asia Bird’s Nest Brand uses fake bird’s nests, fillers or substandard products.
● Customer satisfaction is the brand’s greatest success
Ensuring food hygiene
Safe for health
100% pure bird's nest
Return if not satisfied
500% compensation if the product is fake
Commitment to no additives or preservatives
● Supplementing micronutrients that children often lack ● Strengthens the immune system, reduces minor illnesses ● Increases calcium absorption, increases height ● Enhances memory, children are smart and alert ● Baby sleeps well and is mentally alert comfortable ● Increase the ability to absorb nutrients and detoxify
Enhance the immune system, stimulate cell regeneration ● Stimulate taste, digestion, reduce constipation ● Detoxify, stabilize blood pressure, cardiovascular, blood sugar ● Improve respiratory system, nervous system ● Reduce bone and joint pain ● Preventing and supporting cancer treatment
● Strengthens the immune system and the function of the endocrine system ● Balances and enhances metabolism ● Improves the digestive system, supports the body's absorption ● Enhances female physiology ● Supports weight loss● Beautify skin, anti-aging
● Improves memory, helps mental clarity ● Clears heat, relieves alcohol, quickly ● Anti-aging, restores liver and kidney function ● Improves blood, clears phlegm, reduces arthritis ● Helps muscles firm, burn excess fat ● Enhance physiological function for men
● Provide nutrients for mother and fetus ● Reduce morning sickness, fight depression ● Quickly recover after giving birth ● Increase resistance for mother and fetus ● Nourish the skin, limit stretch marks during pregnancy ● Help the fetus develop overview
● Quick postpartum recovery, especially after cesarean section ● Increases the quality and quantity of milk, helping the baby stay healthy ● Increases the mother's ability to absorb calcium ● Treats stretch marks, bringing smooth skin ● Supplements iron, deficiency of erythropoiesis due to childbirth ● Stabilizes the mother's still weak digestive system
● Threonine: anti-aging, prevents wrinkles ● Collagen: Limits stretch marks, melasma, dry skin, acne ● Syalic acid & tyrosine: removes dark spots caused by acne ● Glycoprotein: reduces allergies, kills bacteria, fights acne inflammation ● Aspartic acid, proline: regenerate muscle cells, tissues, restore skin quickly ● Cysteine amino acid: anti-oxidant, detoxify, support treatment of pimples, dermatitis
Kính chào quý khách hàng, Thương Hiệu Yến Sào Asia Bird’s Nest xin đượ...
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